Project 1 – The Ganzfeld Effect Book Cover Design

The other parts of this project: Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4



  • Subject: Design a book cover based off of what was learned about The Ganzfeld Effect.
  • Media: Anything and everything (I’ll probably be using Photoshop)
  • Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″

So, to get things going with this project, I did 20 sketches of some ideas that I thought would make good book covers. After reading a little about the Ganzfeld Effect, I went with the theme of a person wearing half ping pong balls over their eyes and listening to head-sets, since this seemed like the basic set-up for any Ganzfeld Effect experiment.

The basic idea of The Ganzfeld Effect is if a person’s senses, such as their sight and sound, are subjected to a uniformed field of noise and color for a period of time, the brain stops processing these because there is no change in the signals (that be sight and sound). As a result, a person might start to hallucinate and began to see things. I haven’t done this experiment myself, but I did find it quite interesting from my readings, nonetheless.

Here’s more information about The Ganzfeld Effect:

At any rate, below are my 20 sketches that I did. I kind of have an idea of which one I want to do for my project already, but before we can start the final image, we have to pick 5 of our best sketches and render them. I’m sure I’ll have 5 picked out before this weekend is over, I hope. I can be picky sometimes. lol

Click on image for a larger view.


That’s about it for now. 🙂

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